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???蘭州新文廣數(shù)字文化傳播有限公司??聯(lián)系我們 訂票電話:09318623786 |
序 幕
It is the beginning of the 20th Century, and deep in the heart of the Dunhuang Caves ,the old Taoist watchman, Wang Yuanlu is doing his rounds of the Mo Gao Grottoes. Suddenly he stumbles upon an unknown cave full of Buddhists texts. He picks one up and as he slowly unrolls it, he discovers a painting that would take him on a compelling and touching journey back in time......
很久很久以前,在通往敦煌的大漠中。 金色的沙漠在驕陽下燃燒,艱難跋涉的青年畫師莫高饑渴難奈,生命垂危之際,久積于心的藝術(shù)精靈—“飛天”在海市蜃樓中頻頻閃現(xiàn)。 軍團(tuán)在凱旋中發(fā)現(xiàn)莫高,英武的少年將軍為他不凡的氣度所動(dòng),留下隨身的月牙水壺,卻同時(shí)帶走了他視為生命的畫稿。
A long long time ago, a young painter by the name of Mo Gao lay dying of thirst in the scorching sands of the desert. He had lost his way in the pursuit of his art and his passion to find the famous Dunhuang Caves.
As he drew his last breath, a troop of soldiers arrive. Their leader, a young brave General, takes pity on the young man and orders the soldiers to give him a water flask in the shape of a new moon. But on seeing the painting in Mo Gao's hand, the War Lord seizes it and rides off. ![]() 第二幕
新窟開鑿,市井歡鬧。莫高與恢復(fù)了女兒妝的少年將軍再度相逢。不久前的大漠奇遇記憶猶新,許多話語,涌上心頭,卻被月牙的父親-大將軍阻止。 洞窟中,莫高面對新壁浮想聯(lián)翩。 月牙在窟中找到莫高歸還畫稿,在對藝術(shù)的共同癡迷中萌生愛意。大將軍恥于女兒與窮畫師來往,強(qiáng)帶月牙匆匆離去。
Weeks later in the middle of the Minsha Mountains, the residents of the Dunhuang Caves are celebrating the completion of the new Grotto.Mo Gao, now fully recovered, has joined them as an Artist and is working away on a new creation..
Suddenly the cave is full of the Soldiers he met before. To his great surprise the General who had saved him in the desert turns out to be a beautiful young woman, called Yue Ya.
Alone in the Caves Yue Ya seeks out Mo Gao and returns his Painting to him, and as the two discuss their passion for Art, they slowly fall in love.
Yue Ya's father, the Great General, arrives and incensed that his daughter is falling in love with a mere artist, he wrenches her away and takes her to his camp in the desert.
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大將軍逼迫月牙在名門望族中招婿出嫁,月牙不從;在清冷的月光中忍受思念的煎熬。 軍帳大開。大將軍盛宴為女兒招親。王公貴胄紛至沓來,月牙芳心不動(dòng)。莫高聞?dòng)嵏陌纾泽@世才藝闖帳求親。被軍士逐出。 夜黑風(fēng)高,月牙出逃。 金戈鐵馬,大將軍率軍追向敦煌。
The Great General has decided that his daughter needs to find a husband as soon as possible. He summons all of the Great War Lords and Princes who travel the Silk Road to come and pay court to her.
However Yue Ya is unmoved by their declarations and decides to return to the arms of her beloved Mo Gao.
The General discovered that his daughter is missing and realizing that she has returned to her young artist, he summons his troops to march back to Dunhuang.
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陰暗的洞窟里,莫高潛心作畫;在愛的甜蜜中,一幅精美的壁畫即將完成。月牙千辛萬苦狂奔而來,投入愛的懷抱。 眾兵圍困的窟中,面對血與火的威逼,月牙以生命再次拯救了莫高。大將軍震撼于女兒的剛烈,屠刀在懺悔中垂下。 莫高捧掬起月牙的心愿,藝術(shù)在極度的痛苦中升華。 莫高窟燦爛輝煌,月牙泉清純秀麗;藝術(shù)、愛情朝夕相守,直至永久……
Yue Ya enters the grotto, where Magao is working on his masterpiece. She rushes into his arms.
Filled with joy and love Magao is inspired to greater heights, but a dark cloud descends upon the lovers. The General's Army has surrounded the Caves.
Mad with rage the General draws his sword and rushed at Mo Gao , but as he is about to strike him down, Yue Ya throws herself in front of her lover and takes the full force of the blow.
The General is mortified, and consumed with remorse; he leaves the two lovers alone.Mo Gao, now owes his life for a second time to his beautiful lover, and is overcome with grief.
But out of this grief comes a renewed passion to complete his masterpiece.
Years go by, the masterpiece is finished, and The Spring which appeared on the spot where his beloved was killed is crystal clear.
Mo Gao throws himself into the water and his spirit is carried into the celestial layer to be forever reunited with his true love and inspiration Yue Ya.